"Are We Meant To Be?" {Jimin FF} - Chapter 16~

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Chapter 16~

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{edited by me}

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{Author's Note: Before we start with the Chapter click the Music Note To Listen to My Playlist For the FF. I would suggest listening to it in Random shuffle. EnjoyπŸ’œ}


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 (At Y/N’s House)


Y/N: Jimin?!

I spoke as I saw the sight In front of me. A man stood there supporting Jimin’s unstable body.

Man: Miss Y/N?

He asked and I nodded slowly still being shocked.

Man: I called you through Mr. Jimins’s phone a while ago but he didn’t let me speak to you. I wanted someone to pick him up as he was heavily drunk.

Just as he was talking Jimin started laughing which made me sure that he was drunk. I looked at his features carefully, a childish smile upon his face and his eyes were half-open. I looked back at the man as he continued to talk.

Man: Since I didn’t know who to contact so I decided to drop him. When I asked him his address he told me to come here but when we reached here, he kept on repeating your name...

I narrowed my Eyes at Jimin who was smiling innocently. I then turned my gaze back to the man.

Y/N: How much did he have?

Man: I guess 15 shots...

Y/N: 15 shots?!

Man: I know it was a bad idea but he didn’t stop even when I tried to. 

Jimin continued to giggle.

Y/N: It’s okay, Thank You once again.

Man: I will be taking my leave now.

He said as he let go of Jimin. He bowed slightly before walking away. Jimin was about to lose balance but I caught him before he could fall. I tried to make him stand upright but instead, he collapsed on top of me resting his chin on my shoulder. He was pretty heavy but I balanced myself before I completely fell down with him. I sighed and carefully walked towards the couch before placing him on it. He kept on laughing while blabbering random things.

Jimin: I-I H-Have f-f-five f-fingers?!

Y/N: Of course you do.

Jimin: A-And I-I h-have t-two h-hands t-Too?!

Y/N: Yes.

I looked at him in concern. He was very much drunk and I had to wait until he becomes sober. I needed to be patient with him. I remembered that I still have some hangover soup in the fridge. I walked to the fridge and took it out, placing it in the microwave. I will heat it up later. I poured some water in the glass for Jimin to drink.

I walked back to the living room to see Jimin pouting while looking at me.

Jimin: W-Where did y-you g-g-go? W-Why d-did y-you l-leave m-me a-all al-alone h-here? I-I m-missed y-you. P-Please d-don’t l-leave m-me a-alone.

He spoke softly. Though it was becoming hard not to give in to his soft side but I had to be a bit stern. I put a stone over my heart and took a deep breath as to not give in.

I put the glass of water on the table and stood up straight. I crossed my arms over my chest and looked at him in disbelief.

Y/N: Why are you here at this time? You should’ve given the man your address, not mine. 

I said and his soft expression was replaced with his blank and cold one. He got up and started to walk towards me with a smirk. As he got closer I started to step back until my back finally hit the wall. He continued to walk towards me and soon stood in front of me. I tried to move away but he trapped me in between his arms and the wall. His palms were on either side of my head and he looked deep into my eyes. My breathing became uneven seeing that there was barely any gap between us. Our faces were close to touching each other. He smirked and finally spoke.

Jimin: I-I wanted to see you.

He said and put a strand of hair behind my ear. I became a bit nervous but took a deep breath to keep my composure. I raised a brow

Y/N: And why is that?

I asked but he remained silent, I had many things to question him about. Seeing his silence I continued to ask him as he constantly stared at me leaning his face closer to mine. I looked somewhere else not making eye contact as I spoke.

Y/N: Why did you drink so much? Do You know you will have a major headache after this? Should I drop you at your house? You didn’t even call or message me the whole day, you know how worried I was about you? I had to call Tae and Jungkook to find out about your whereabouts. How can you be so careless? Even if you did drink, why did you drink 15 shots?! You know that having too much is bad for you?! What were you thinking? How were you planning on coming home in this condition?! Why didn’t you take Jungkook or Taehyung with you? Did you-

I was silenced when I felt his soft lips on mine. My eyes widened and my body felt numb as he slowly and gently started to move his lips against mine. I had frozen in my spot. I wanted to push him away as he was drunk and was not in his senses, but my body wasn’t doing what I asked for. It was wrong but why did it feel right? 

And the worst part was that Park Jimin stole my first Kiss. Yes, I hadn’t had my first kiss yet, BamBam stopped acting affectionate after the first 7 months of our relationship. We hadn’t kissed ever because I was a bit shy when it came to skinship. 

I was still pinned to the wall as now there was no gap in between us. I was shocked, I didn’t kiss him back nor did I push him away. He snaked one arm around my waist pulling me closer while the other was still placed on the wall beside my head. He didn’t even stop for a second to breathe as he kissed me ever so softly and gently. I felt him smiling in between the kiss. My breathing was now shaky. I felt millions of butterflies in my stomach and my heart was pounding loudly against my chest and it felt like it would leap out any second. He pulled away and rested his forehead against mine. I could feel his breath fanning my lips and his eyes were closed. 

Y/N: Why?

I said ever so softly, but audible enough for him to hear. He opened his eyes and stared deeply into my eyes. A small smirk appeared on his lips as his thumb made its way to my lips. He slowly caressed my bottom lip with his thumb while speaking.

Jimin: You Ask too many questions.

He said as he stepped back. With wobbly legs, he went to the coffee table and grabbed the glass of water drinking it. He started giggling again as he sat on the couch. I was still frozen to my spot. Unable to move as many thoughts came across my mind. 

Park Jimin just stole my first kiss and there is a big chance that he won’t even remember it the next morning. I felt a stab in my heart. I knew it wasn’t his fault, I can’t blame him for it, he was drunk. He didn’t know what he was doing but I did and it’s my fault that I didn’t stop it from happening. So I have no right to feel upset or angry. I sighed as I walked up to him and sat beside him. 

He kept on staring at me with a childish smile, I was already very shy because of what happened but decided to shrug it off. I will never let him know that this happened. It will just ruin our bond and I don’t want that. I sighed and looked back at him. 

Y/N: Should I drop you at your home Jimin?

Jimin: No! I-I will stay here with you!

He wrapped his arms around me hugging me tightly. I didn’t react knowing he was drunk. I never imagined that the cold and intimidating Park Jimin could ever be so childish, soft, and cute. People are right, alcohol does something to people.

I giggled and tried to remove his hands but he just tightened his grip.

Jimin: I-I won’t L-Let y-you g-go. 

I sighed and looked at him. His face was very close to mine as he looked into my eyes with puppy eyes. I knew he was staying over tonight as it will be hard to send him home, he can be stubborn.

Y/N: I will be back. I just need to get something.

Jimin: P-Promise?

He pouted and I nodded smiling warmly at him.

Y/N: I promise and I don’t break my promises.

He hesitantly loosened his grip around my waist looking down. His eyes were half open and I know that he was about to fall asleep. I got up and grabbed my spare blank pages. I grabbed my purple pen and sat beside Jimin once again. I noticed that he had already fallen asleep on the couch. I smiled looking at his sleeping figure, his cheeks were all squishy and he looked adorable. 

I looked back at the piece of paper and wrote the note that I had to write for him on it. I decided on writing him a small note so that if he needs anything he can just read it. I wrote the note and folded it placing it on the coffee table.

I carefully got up making sure that he doesn’t wake up. I walked and took out some painkillers as I knew he would have a headache tomorrow along with a hangover. I filled the glass with water and kept all of it on the coffee table next to the note. I brought the spare blanket from my room and wrapped it around him. 

I was about to walk to my room when I felt a grip on my wrist making me halt in my steps. I looked over and saw A sleepy and drunk Jimin looking at me with a pout. “And he called me a kid.”, I thought to myself.

Jimin: Y-You P-Promised t-that you would b-be b-back.

Y/N: I thought you fell asleep-

Before I could finish with my sentence he pulled me down on the couch. I sat on the couch and before I could move he placed his head on my lap. He took one of my hands and made me place it on top of his head. He then put one of his arms around my waist still laying down. He looked up at me and smiled.

Jimin: Goodnight A-Autumn.

He said and after a few minutes fell asleep. I couldn’t move at all as I knew the minute I moved he would wake up. I looked at him and noticed that my hand was still on top of his head. Unknowingly, my hand gently caressed his head and I ran my fingers through his soft hair. A smile unknowingly spread across my face looking at his face. I moved a bit just to dim the lights but his grip on my waist became tighter. I somehow managed to dim the lights. I looked back at his face as I started to feel a bit sleepy too. I moved my torso a bit to the side and rested my head on the armrest of the couch. It was not the most comfortable position but I felt relaxed.

Y/N: I hope you don’t remember anything from today. Goodnight ChimChim.

I closed my eyes and before I knew it, 

I drifted into dreamland...

To be continued...

{Author's Note: Will Jimin ever find out about what he had done? Will Y/N ever figure out her feelings? Will their Bond be affected by their actions? All I can say is this is too sweet for me and I guess it is for you too. I know you might have many questions and all of them will be answered soon, you just need to keep on reading to find out ;). See you next time with another Heart racing chapter. ILY My Sweet & Amazing Readers.}

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