"Are We Meant To Be?" {Jimin FF} - Chapter 30~

♥︎⢄⡠•———  ———•⢄⡠♥︎

Chapter 30~


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{edited by me}


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{Author's Note: Before we start with the Chapter click the Music Note To Listen to My Playlist For the FF. I would suggest listening to it in Random shuffle. EnjoyπŸ’œ}



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Jacob’s POV 

I opened the front door to be greeted by my one and only girlfriend. 

Scarlett: Hey Hun.

She said as she placed a kiss on my cheek before walking in. I smiled and closed the door before following her to the living room.

Jacob: Do you want some coffee?

I asked her as she shook her head before sitting on the couch.

I sat beside her and she was now leaning her head against my shoulder. She is everything I have ever wished for. She can fight for herself, is headstrong and is the most beautiful angel I have ever seen. How did I get so lucky to have her?

Jacob: I wanted to talk to you about something...

I said and Scarlett lifted her head up to look at me with an eyebrow raised.

Scarlett: And What is that? 

Jacob: I think Jimin has feelings for Y/N and-

Scarlett: He What?!

She yelled as I saw her jolting up from the couch.

Scarlett: I will f**king Kill that Jacka*s!

She said and was about to walk off when I grabbed her arm  and pulled her back making her face me.

Jacob: I said I THINK! I am still not sure!

Scarlett: For F**ks sake you scared me to death!

She sighed as she put her hand over her chest. Well she is an angel who curses.

Scarlett: Why would you think such a hideous thought any which ways?

She said and I sat down on the couch before pulling her onto my lap. She looked at me as she crossed her arms over chest, waiting for my answer.

Jacob: What if he does have feelings for her? Haven’t you seen how differently he treats her. 

Scarlett: I don’t trust him at all! I don’t want Y/N to be hurt! He is a Playboy!

Jacob: But I was one too at some point, but then I found you. 

I said as I pulled her backwards making her back rest against my chest.

Jacob: It’s all about finding the right one. Love changes people.

Scarlett: But what if he hurts her. What if we are wrong? 

Jacob: We don’t even know if he has feelings for her or not...First let’s figure that out, then we will make sure if he is good enough for Sugarplum or not okay? 

Scarlett: So you mean testing him?

Jacob: Exactly! I think Y/N likes him too. So let’s see if we are right or not.

Scarlett: If it involves troubling Park Jerkmin then I am in!

She said with a cheeky smile as She held me by the collar pulling me into a kiss.


Jimin’s POV

I slowly opened my eyes as I felt the warmth within my embrace disappear. I looked around to see my room completely empty. Where is Y/N? 

Negative thoughts filled my mind as I tried to calm my nerves down and forget about them. I quickly got off the bed and walked out of the room. I went inside of her room to find it completely empty.

I balled my hands into fists as I walked out of the room before walking down the stairs nearly missing a few steps. 

As soon as I reached the kitchen, sweet humming filled the void and I knew exactly who it was.

I saw Y/N wearing an apron with earphones in her ears as she swayed around the kitchen. I leaned against the wall as I admired her smiling figure, it had been a long time since I saw her smile like that.

Mrs. Song: Do you need anything else Dear?

Y/N took one of her earphones off and shook her head. 

Y/N: No thank you, this much should be enough. Thank you so much for telling me where everything was kept. 

Mrs. Song: You are always welcome dear. How are you feeling now?

Y/N: I am alright.

She said softly and I saw her putting her earphones back in. I know she couldn’t hear anything as I saw her getting lost in the music. 

Miss Song noticed my presence and smiled at me warmly. She was about to say something but I motioned her not to. She nodded and walked out of the kitchen.

I carefully tip toed into the kitchen as I sneaked Close to the kitchen counter. I sat down on one of the chairs. Y/N had her back faced towards me as she worked on the stove cooking something. She turned around and when she saw me she slightly flinched.

Y/N: Oh god you scared me!

She said as she put her hand on her chest while the other hand was holding a spatula.


Jimin: Good Morning.

He said with a soft smile which calmed my heart down in an instant.

Y/N: Good Morning.

I said with a smile as I got back to flipping the pancakes that I was making. I took my earphones off as I kept them on top of the island.

Jimin: What are you making?

He asked in a sleepy yet raspy voice which sent chills down my spine but I regained my composure.

Y/N: Pancakes.

I simply said as to not stutter. I took two plates from the cabinet before placing the pancakes on it. I added some salted butter and Sprinkled some powdered sugar on top of them. I topped them off with some maple syrup and looked at both of the plates with a satisfied smile.

Y/N: Here.

I said as I placed the plate in front of him and sat beside him. 

Y/N: Enjoy!

I said happily as I grabbed my fork before taking a bite of them. 

Y/N: It still needs-

Jimin: Whipped Cream.

He finished my sentence with a smirk as I looked at him stunned. He got up before grabbing the can of whipped cream and gave it to me. He sat back down beside me while I just stared at him.

Y/N: How did you know?

Jimin: I know you better than you think Autumn.

He said with a proud smirk making my heart flutter and making me feel butterflies in my stomach. This feeling felt refreshing. I looked at him and smiled before putting a whole lot of whipped cream on the pancakes.

Y/N: That’s better.

I said and took a big bite which was barely fitting my mouth but I managed. I felt Jimin’s gaze on me so I turned to look at him and he looked away immediately. I giggled silently. I saw that he hadn’t even taken a single bite. A pout formed on my lips as I cut his pancake and put a bite on my fork before putting it near his mouth.

Jimin: What-

Y/N: Eat it.

I said sternly while still having a pout on my lips. I need to get rid of my pouting habit. He chuckled as he took a bite from my fork.

Jimin: Happy Now?

I nodded and he shook his head.

I took another big bite of the pancakes as I hummed in satisfaction because of the taste.

I felt Jimin’s gaze on me once again and it made me shy. I looked back at him and this time he continued to look at me. He leaned in closer to me as my heart started to beat fast and loud. What is he doing?!

He kept on leaning closer and instinctively, I closed my eyes tightly. I then felt something on the corner of my lips as I slowly opened my eyes seeing him wiping the corner of my lips with his thumb. His face was inches apart from mine.

Jimin: You are such a messy eater. 

He chuckled huskily as my heart was beating fast. I looked at his face which was at a close proximity from mine. Wah he looked so good looking.

Y/N: Handsome.

I spoke unintentionally and regretted it immediately as his eyes met mine. Our faces closer than ever. His breath was fanning my face as my body froze under his gaze.

He cupped my cheek as his thumb traced my cheekbone and my breathing was now uneven. He will kill me with his actions I swear to god! 

His gaze stopped on my lips as he started to lean in closer. The closer he got, the faster my heart raced.

Just then we heard a voice.

Jacob: Didn’t mean to interrupt the moment.

He said leaning against the wall with a smirk on his face, Scarlett was standing behind him and my eyes widened. I quickly moved back.

Y/N: W-When did you guys g-get here?

Third POV

Jacob leaned close to Scarlett’s ear and whispered.

Jacob: Can you see their chemistry...I told you they have something going on.

Scarlett clenched her Fist as a frown formed on her face.

Scarlett: Whatever.

She whispered as she walked passed him to the kitchen. She pushed Jimin a side concluding in him being pushed to the next chair as Scarlett sat on the chair between Jimin and Y/N.

Scarlett: We just got here, what was going on here...?

She asked with an eyebrow raised and Y/N’s cheeks tinted crimson as she put a big bite into her mouth. Scarlett looked at her and giggled.

Scarlett: I see you still love your pancakes.

She said and Y/N smiled with her mouth closed.

Scarlett: Your house hasn’t changed a bit since I last came here Park. Oh wait...

She said tilting her head to look at Jimin with a Smirk. Jacob walked up to them and sat on the chair beside Y/N.

Scarlett: The only difference is that there are no girls walking around or sitting on your lap. Where are those b**ches anyways...?

She asked mockingly and Jimin rolled his eyes. Y/N gripped onto her fork and Jacob noticed it which made him smirk. 

Y/N: Scarlett...Don’t be mean to him.

She said softly while leaning her cheek against her palm, looking at her food. Jimin’s eyes softened. Scarlett and Jacob both noticed and gave each other a knowing look. Jacob decided to pull a few strings of his own and spoke.

Jacob: Y/N...I was talking to Baekhyun the other day and he was very very eager to meet you. He said that he wanted to take you out to dinner. 

He said slowly as he looked at Jimin with a slight smirk.

Jacob: Maybe you should go out with him, you know..like a date.

He said and shrugged as Jimin’s eyes became wide. Jacob looked at Jimin from the corner of his eyes as he signaled Scarlett to say further.

Scarlett: Yeah you should go out with him...he was your high school crush after all. Maybe this was the time that your stars are meant to meet.

She said and Jimin growled lowly but it was loud enough for Scarlett to hear making a small smirk appear on her lips.

Jacob: What about tomorrow? Yeah tomorrow should be good-

Jimin: NO!

He said as he stood up from his place and everyone looked at him surprised.

Jimin: I-I mean...She is still sick, she needs rest. She can’t be going out on damn dates until she is completely fine.

He said and walked up to Y/N before pulling her chair back while she sat There with a confused expression. This whole conversation took place so fast that she didn’t even get to have a say in it.

Jimin: You need to have your meds autumn. Let’s go to the living room and we can watch a movie together okay.

He said as he pulled her out of the kitchen and into the living room, leaving Jacob and Scarlett alone.

Jacob: I told you. He might not admit it but there is something. We just need him to admit it. 

Scarlett: Yeah, though I don’t trust him that much but I guess you are right. Let’s give this a try. 

She sighed and looked up at him with a nod.

Jacob: I always thought Y/N liked to play Cupid, never thought we would be switching roles.

Scarlett giggled at his comment and he smiled at her. He stood up as he pulled her chair back and made her stand. He put his arm around his waist as he placed a kiss on her forehead before both of them made there way to the living room.

Upon reaching the living room, both of them saw a heart warming sight. Jimin stood their with a spoon as he put it near Y/N’s lips.

Y/N: It’s really bitter! I don’t wanna have it!

She whined as Jimin chuckled while shaking his head.

Jimin: You want to get better don’t you? Then just have one spoon and after that we will do whatever you want. And once you get better we will go star gazing.

He said and A small smile crept over Y/N’s face as she looked at him with her bright and innocent eyes.

Y/N: Really?

She asked softly and Jimin nodded. She closed her eyes tightly as she put the spoon in her mouth. Once she had swallowed the liquid she made a sour expression. 

Y/N: That was horrible. I hate it.

She said as Jimin gave her a glass of water along with a pill. She swallowed the pill as Jimin observed her face with a smile that didn’t show up on his face very often.

She put the glass down and wiped her lips with the back of her hand.

Scarlett: If you two are done let’s watch a movie.

She said as she sat beside Y/N and Jacob sat beside her pushing both Jimin and Y/N to the edge of the couch. They were both very close to each other and Scarlett smiled as she intended to do so.

Y/N: Scar~

She cooed as Scarlett turned to look at her.

Scarlett: Yes Sweetie...?

Y/N: I wanna ask you something.

She said and Scarlett gestures for her to go on.

Y/N: How did you and Jimin first meet?

She asked and Both Jimin and Scarlett Scoffed.

Jimin: She was annoying!

Scarlett: Me? What about you?

Y/N: Okay okay tell me everything from the top...

Jacob: This just got interesting. Tell us how it all began.

They said with excitement and curiosity reflecting in their eyes.

Scarlett: Okay...Park you wanna tell them or are you too scared to tell them about your shenanigans. 

Jimin: I am ready if you are.

He said with a mocking smirk as she rolled her eyes at him.

Jacob: Cut to the chase will you.

He snapped as Scarlett sighed before continuing.

Scarlett: Okay so it all started a few months ago...


Mrs. Choi: Scarlett the last box is kept outside could you bring that in.

She asked as she unboxed the boxes starting to organise the kitchen.

Scarlett: Yes Mom.

Scarlett said as she walked out of the house to get the last box. They just shifted here today from the States and she couldn’t be happier to be back. She is finally going to meet her friends after a year, it felt like forever to her.

As she walked out towards the car to get the box she noticed a guy close to her age getting out of the house next door while talking on the phone.

Scarlett: Must be my new neighbour.

She spoke to herself as she looked at him while he talked on the phone. He cut the phone as he looked at her, noticing her presence. She thought of this as an opportunity to get friendly with the neighbourhood.

She gave him a friendly smile as she looked at him and waved.

Scarlett: Hey! I am Scarlett, your new neighbour.

She spoke enthusiastically while he looked at her blankly.

Jimin: Do I look like I care.

He said and scoffed. He rolled his eyes before walking back into his house.

Scarlett: What an As*hole!

She scoffed as she walked back to her car. She grabbed the box and it was extremely heavy. Closing the car door with her foot she started to walk towards the house. She nearly dropped the box when she felt someone hold it before it did.

Namjoon: Careful.

He spoke as he held the box.

Namjoon: Let me help you.

He said with a smile and Scarlett smiled back gratefully.

Scarlett: Thank you.

She said as he walked to the house with Scarlett following behind her.

Namjoon: I am Kim Namjoon by the way. Or you can just call me Namjoon.

Scarlett: I’m Choi Scarlett. But you can call me Scarlett. Do you live in this neighbourhood?

She asked curiously as Namjoon put the box down in the lobby.

Namjoon: No, My friend lives here, The guy next door.

Scarlett: That As*hole is your friend.  I-I mean No offence though.

She said raising her hands in defence and Namjoon chuckled before shaking his head.

Namjoon: No no, I get it and I don’t blame you for thinking he has a bad attitude because he does. That’s just how he functions. He is just a bit cold that’s all. I see you have met Jimin already so I won’t have to introduce him to you.

Scarlett: His name is Jimin huh?

She said as if she has heard the name before but doesn’t recall it.

Namjoon: Yeah, his name is Park Jimin. 

Scarlett: Well you are nothing like him. Maybe we can be friends after all.

She said with a smile and he returned it.

Namjoon: I would love that.

He said smiling as he looked at her with sudden seriousness.

Namjoon: Since you called me your friend let me warn you about Jimin. I would suggest staying away from him if I were you. He loves to toy around with girls.

He said and Scarlett scoffed. 

Scarlett: Don’t worry about it. I am not someone who falls at someone’s feet all the time.

She chuckled while rolling her eyes and he laughed back.

Namjoon: Now I definitely know that I made the right decision by making you my friend.

He said and both of them laughed.

Mrs. Choi: Who’s this?

Mrs. Choi asked walking into living room looking at Namjoon with a smile.

Scarlett: Oh mom this is Namjoon. He is a friend of our Neighbours and now he is my friend too.

She said and Mrs. Choi’s eyes lit up.

Mrs. Choi: That’s wonderful dear. Would you like to have something to eat or drink Namjoon?

She asked and he shook his head.

Namjoon: I am alright Mrs. Choi, you already have so much to do and I wouldn’t want to bother you either.

He said politely and Mrs Choi nodded before walking back into the kitchen organising the remaining things. Namjoon and Scarlett walked back outside.

Namjoon: Here’s my number and you can contact me any time. 

He said and handed Scarlett back her phone.

Scarlett: Let’s hangout sometime. I think we can have some common interests.

Namjoon: We can hang out tomorrow if you want...

He said rubbing the back of his neck and Scarlett giggled before nodding.

Scarlett: Sure, that would be great.

She said as he smiled. 

Namjoon: I have to go now. See you around.

He waved and walked away. Scarlett looked at his figure disappearing into Jimin’s house as she sighed.

Scarlett: It’s getting dark and I am really tired from the move.

She said as she stretched her arms before going back inside. As she got back inside she saw her mother grabbing her car keys and bag.

Mrs. Choi: Scarlett, I need to go...Your fathers company has some important files which I need to go through. Don’t wait up for me. Take care of yourself okay.

She said and didn’t even let Scarlett respond as she rushed out of the house. Scarlett sighed as she went up to her room to get changed and ready for the night.

She changed into her PJs and lay down on her bed as a small sigh escaped her lips. 

As her eyes started to close suddenly the loud sound of music made her eyes snap open.

The windows were vibrating too as she felt as if her whole house was shaking. She got up and looked through the window only to see her a room from Jimin’s house across hers.

She walked close to her window as she could see someone’s silhouette in the window across.

As she looked more carefully she saw Jimin kissing a girl and she cringed at the thought but didn’t look away. Jimin made eye contact with her and smirked still kissing the girl.

Scarlett: Aish! What a shameless little piece of sh*t!  At least close your damn curtains! I am not interested in seeing your a*s making out with a random b**ch Tsk. 

She said as she saw him still looking at her not breaking the kiss. He walked up to the window with the girl before pulling the blinds down.

Scarlett Rolled her eyes as she walked up to her bed. She lay down as she covered her ears with her hands.


She yelled but the music got louder.

Scarlett: That’s It!

She said and quickly changed into her jeans and a sweatshirt before wearing her shoes. She walked out of her house to Jimin’s house. 

She saw the outside of the house filled with drunk youngsters making out which made her sick. Ignoring their presence she walked to the door before ringing the door bell.

Guy: Don’t ring the door bell miss. No one can here you over the loud music.

He said in his drunken state while laughing and Scarlett sighed before twisting the door knob and to her relief it was open.

As she walked in, the strong smell of alcohol hit her nostrils and she blinked her eyes a couple of times to stabilise herself.

She pushed through the crowd of people trying to look for Jimin but she had no luck. She was in no mood to ask anyone about him since everyone was drunk like there is no tomorrow.

Scarlett then felt a grip on her arm as her Fist rose in defence. She was about to punch the person but he grabbed her hand stopping her.

Namjoon: Woah Woah! Chill it’s me. 

He said as he raised his hands in Surrender and Scarlett sighed in relief.

Namjoon: What are you doing here anyways?

Scarlett: The music is too loud and I can’t sleep, so I came to talk to Jimin if he can just turn it down. Do you know where he is?

Namjoon: Yeah he was just around the corner somewhere. Come with me.

He said as he walked through the crowd with Scarlett following behind him. She looked around only to see that the place was trashed with the plastic cups. 

Soon enough they reached a couch where Jimin sat with his back leaned against the couch as he had a glass of alcohol in his hand. Not to mention, a new girl sitting on his lap drawing circles on his chest while he couldn’t careless. Jungkook And Taehyung sat on the couch while having their own drinks. As Namjoon and Scarlett approached them they looked at her with an eyebrow raised as Jimin smirked.

Namjoon: Jimin Someone wants to meet you.

He said as he sat down on the couch gesturing Scarlett to sit too but she shook her head.

Jimin: New Girl. 

He said with a smirk and Scarlett looked at him blankly as she crossed her arms over her chest.

Scarlett: Could you turn down the music...it’s disturbing the people around you.

She said sternly and Jimin chuckled while throwing his head back.

Jimin: What if I don’t?

He said with a smirk and Scarlett scoffed.

Scarlett: Then I will call the cops on you.

Jimin: I will buy them.

He said and She looked at him in disbelief.

Scarlett: What?

Jimin: I will shut them up with money. What else do you think money is for?

She looked at him in pure disgust as she rolled her eyes.

Scarlett: You are such a f**king a*shole. 

Jimin: That’s good to hear sweetheart.

Scarlett: Dont you dare call me sweetheart you jerka*s!

She snapped and he looked at her amused. He pushed the girl sitting on his lap off as he got up from the couch walking up to her. He stood in front of her as he leaned his face closer to hers with a smirk.

Jimin: A feisty one aren’t you.

He said looking at her up and down while she just rolled her eyes at him for the hundredth time.

Scarlett: Are you going to turn down your music or not?

She asked as he stepped back looking at her blankly.

Jimin: No.

He said coldly and Scarlett smirked.

Scarlett: Have it your way then. Hey Namjoon pass me a drink.

She said and Namjoon looked at her confused at her change of attitude while Jimin observed her each and every move. Namjoon passed the glass over to her as she took it form with a smirk.

Scarlett: Thanks.

She said as she walked up to the speakers before pouring the drink over the main soundboard completely ruining it as the speakers abruptly tuned out. Jimin looked at her with wide eyes as she smirked while tossing the cup on the side.

Scarlett: Oops.


He said angrily while Scarlett walked up to him while grabbing another glass from A table near by.

She stood in front of Jimin as the whole party had now become silent. She looked at him with a smirk as she took a sip from the cup, thankfully it was a soft drink.

Scarlett: This is what’s wrong with me.

She said as she detached the glass from her lips before pouring it over Jimin’s head as a gasp escaped his lips. She placed the glass in his palm. Her eyes met Namjoon’s as she flipped her hair while a chuckle escaped his lips.

Scarlett: Next time...Think twice before messing with Choi Scarlett. Okay Park?

She said as she flipped her hair before power walking out of the place.

End Of Flashback~

Y/N and Jacob listened to Scarlett with their jaws dropped to the floor.

Y/N: Wait wait you have parties here?

She looked at Jimin and he shook his head.

Jimin: Not anymore. Since you told me not to play music late at night.

He said looking at her as Y/N remembered how they first met.

Y/N: Oh....Right. But a party once in a while won’t hurt. And I want to see a party here!

She said while clapping her hands and Scarlett shook her head.

Scarlett: Those parties aren’t for you angel. You are too naive for such parties.

Y/N: They can’t be that bad. I have been to frat house parties in college, I think I know what they are about.

Jimin: But still no party until you get better.

Jimin said as he rested his arm behind her on the couch. She pouted as she rested her back against the couch.

Y/N: Meanie.

She said and Jimin chuckled. 

Y/N: I don’t know if I should be happy for Scarlett to pour the beverage on The music system and taking a stand for herself or if I should feel bad for Jimin that his music system got ruined. Aish it’s hard to be a mutual friend of two rivals.

She said and All of them burst into laughter.

Y/N: But I still don’t believe that Jimin could be that Mean. I completely Disagree.

She shook her head while looking at Scarlett while Jimin raised his brow at her in amusement.

Scarlett: Why so?

Y/N: Because he is always nice and is always nice to me. He never ever was mean to me. Except that one time at that event where we had to go with Daymon but that’s just because we didn’t know each other.

She said defending him and Jimin looked at her with his soft eyes and a small smile.

Jacob: You are an exception then sugar plum.

Y/N: But why?

She said confused and titling her head. 

Jimin: Because that was my past and you are my present.

He said and Y/N furrowed her brows  while Scarlett and Jacob just enjoyed the scene infront of them but before Y/N could say something the sound of the doorbell was heard.

Y/N: I’ll get it!

She said getting up but Jimin grabbed her arm. 

Jimin: No! No overexerting yourself. I’ll get it.

She pouted but Jimin just smiled as he made her sit down and walked to the door.

Opening the door he saw Daymon, Veronica, Jade, Beck and Jaehyun.

Jaehyun: Where is she?

He asked looking around and when he spotted Y/N he pulled her to his embrace.

Y/N: Hey J!

She giggled and Jaehyun tightened his grip around her.

Jaehyun: Are you Okay now?

Y/N: Of course I am. I have never been better. Relax.

She said rubbing his back as Jimin burnt holes into Jaehyun’s back with his piercing gaze.

Jade: Let go of her Jaehyun! Let her breathe for god sakes!

She said and All of them laughed as Jaehyun let go of Y/N while smiling at her.

Jacob: Did you get the thing I wanted you to get?

He asked with a smirk and Jaehyun nodded as he handed him a pen drive. 

Y/N: What’s that?

She asked as all of them sat down.

Jacob: Nothing...

He said with a weird tone which confirmed Y/N’s suspicions as she now glared at him.

Y/N: Lee Jacob I swear to god tell me what that is because I know that’s something which I will despise!

Jacob: Fine Fine I will tell you.

He stood up as he stood in the middle of the room looking around.

Jacob: So today we all will see Y/N’s badass Middle school, High School and College Days.

To be continued....

{Authors Note: We finally know how it all began with Scarlett and Jimin. In the next chapter we will find out about Y/N’s School life and past. Let’s see what happens next. Thank you for waiting so patiently guys...I really appreciate it :). I will see you next time with another exciting chapter. ILY My Sweet & Amazing Readers}


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♥︎⢄⡠•———  ———•⢄⡠♥︎


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